I never did post anything on my blog about my trip to Taiwan. In fact, I really haven't uploaded very many pictures to Facebook of my trip either, and it has been five months since I returned from Taiwan. Despite this, I have been thinking a LOT about Taiwan, especially within the last month or two. My heart longs to return to what I felt was my second home. My trip to Taiwan was such a special time. The Lord taught me a lot of lessons on that trip. But also, I discovered how much I really loved Taiwan, and how much I felt right at home being there, and serving the people there. I don't know if Taiwan is somewhere that God is calling me to later in life, after I'm married or while I'm still single. But I do know that Taiwan, and the people there, found a special place in my heart, that I just really can't explain. So this will just be a short post, but I wanted to post a couple of pictures that will maybe help you understand why I miss/love Taiwan so much. So here's why I love Taiwan:
Small Chinese children sitting in my lap makes me happy, even if I can't talk to them very much. |
Finding random cute kids on a long train ride, and trying to make friends with them. |
Winning their hearts, and having them sit in your lap. |
An accountability group who actually wants to hear how you are doing. This was the best group ever! |
Opportunities to teach the children important lessons, in creative ways, while pausing so someone can translate. |
Random opportunities to play "Orange Blossom Special" in the middle of the street in Taiwan, just because you can, and because there is a random man standing there playing his violin, who willingly allows you to play it. |
An awesome group of classmates that flew all the way from America with you. |
Awesome team of teachers, translators, and coordinators (this is just one group from one week). |
I definitely miss Taiwan, and pray that the Lord will grant me the opportunity to go back some day. But even if that is not in His plan for me, I know that I will always have a special place in my heart for Taiwan, and a place for Taiwan in my prayers.
Have a blessed week! Hope you enjoyed just a taste of Taiwan! Hopefully some time, I'll post some detailed blog posts about Taiwan. Stay strong in Jesus, and have a blessed day in the Lord's house tomorrow!
Because of Jesus' Blood,
Faith Christine
Galatians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 15:10
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